Budget and Finances:

The Director and Producer(s) must present a base budget to the GCP board no later than 30 days before commencement of auditions. A “base” budget is one sufficient to produce and deliver the number of performances specified in the budget. The actual total expenditures may be higher, but only upon authorization from a majority of the board of directors.

The Production and specifically any production expenses do not begin until after a majority of the board of directors approves the budget.

The Director and other production staff, may make purchases using their own money and then request to be reimbursed, or they can ask the GCP treasurer to make purchases on their behalf. GCP will reimburse all purchases reasonably required by the approved budget.

If the Director or other production staff member goes over budget without approval, that person becomes responsible for any overages.

Casting and Auditions

No pre-casting is allowed.  All parts are open at all auditions.

Auditioning and pre-casting rules also apply to Running Crew positions.

Directors may not cast themselves in Large Parts without approval of a majority of  the GCP board.

All Crew other than Running Crew may audition for any part that is not a Lead. Likewise, any member of the Cast who is not a Lead may also be a member of the Crew, other than the Running Crew. In this way we encourage the training of new support staff, producers, assistant directors, marketing, etc. GCP also encourages participation in the Cast by Crew members.

All Company choices will be reviewed and approved by the board before the first rehearsal. Subsequent additions to the Company must also be reviewed and approved by the board before being allowed to participate.

The Director will make a good-faith effort in attempting to cast all roles such that the age of the actor as stated on their application and the age of the character are approximately the same.

The Director will make a good-faith effort in attempting to cast all roles such that the gender of the actor stated on their application and the gender of the characters are the same.

When a good-faith effort fails to cast an actor whose age or gender does not fulfill the foregoing guidelines, the Director may cast whomever best suits the character in the Director’s judgment.

Other than the foregoing policies regarding age and gender, GCP’s casting policy is that all persons may audition, and be given good-faith consideration, for all parts in a production, with no exclusions based on race, physical ability, appearance, ethnic identity, or any other factor. The Director will make all casting decisions based on the Director’s sincere artistic judgment as to which person among those who have auditioned is best suited for each role.


The Director may permanently dismiss a member of the Company from a production at any time.

A Director, or any other member of the Company, may be dismissed by a majority vote of the board at any time for any reason.

Supervision of Minors

When minors are involved in a production, The Director(s) and/or Producer(s) must work with the guardians of the minors to make sure they are properly supervised and protected from harm.

All Company members will refrain from any activity that a reasonable person would know constituted behavior that was inappropriate in the presence of Minors, whenever Minors are, or might reasonably be expected to be, present.

Adult Company members agree not be the only Adult alone in a room with any Minor Company member unless that Adult is in the Close Family of all Minor Company members in the room.

When any Adult Company member finds themselves in violation of the foregoing paragraph, that Adult will immediately act to be joined by a second Adult Company member or, if no Adult Company member is available, by any other Adult.

No Company member will physically make contact with a Minor Company Member unless they are in that Minor’s Close Family, are in the presence of and have the permission of a member of that Minor’s Close Family, or has previously provided written permission for contact to the Director from that Minor’s parent or legal guardian.

All Company members will refrain from any behavior that another Company members asks be discontinued, to the extent that it is reasonably possible to so refrain.

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